How to Become a Landlord

Below is the process to register as a new landlord:

  1. Watch the Landlord informational video.
  2. Submit proof of ownership (ex. deed), W-9, property management agreement (if applicable) to Wayne Metropolitan Housing Authority. (This will expedite the process)
  3. Market your unit ex. Affordable, WMHA housing list, Newspaper etc.
  4. Once you have selected your tenant that holds a voucher and have approved them based on your rental criteria, fill out the blue RTA packet (tenant will provide this to you). At this stage we will also determine the qualification for this specific tenant based on their income, family composition and utility responsibilities.
  5. Inspections will be scheduled within 1-10 days of the blue RTA submission. At this stage we will determine the rent reasonableness of the unit according to similar fair market rents.
  6. When all documentations from Tenant and Landlord have been signed and received by our office payments will then be disbursed.

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